Tooth abscess – Dangerous dental disease? 05 Common identification signs

29 Th11
Tooth abscess - Dangerous dental disease? 05 Common identification signs

Tooth abscess – Dangerous dental disease? 05 Common identification signs

Tooth abscess and causes of tooth abscess

What is tooth abscess?

A tooth abscess is a condition in which a tooth becomes infected, leading to pus, redness, and swelling around the infected tooth area. This phenomenon is often caused by bacteria entering the gums through small holes or cracks in the teeth.

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Tooth abscess is a dangerous oral disease that anyone can encounter


The main cause of this phenomenon is that bacteria can enter the gums through small holes or cracks in the teeth.

When gum tissue becomes infected, damage occurs because the body reacts to bacteria, causing swelling and pain. This can lead to pus festering, creating a solid environment for bacteria to grow and the infection to spread to the surrounding gums.

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Cracked teeth are one of the causes of tooth abscess

In particular, small holes and cracks in teeth create favorable conditions for bacteria to enter and cause damage. If not treated promptly, a tooth abscess can lead to more serious problems such as gingivitis, tooth loss and even affect the patient’s overall health.

05 Common tooth abscess symptoms

Signs of tooth abscess are very important, so that it can be detected early and treated

Red and swollen gums, pain when chewing

This is often a sign of gingivitis, one of the common problems in dentistry.

Painful eating can be caused by infected and damaged gums, creating an uncomfortable condition when pressure is applied to the teeth.

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If your teeth have the above signs, go to the dentist for timely treatment

There is a feeling of pain and sensitivity to hot or cold foods

Pain and sensitivity when consuming hot or cold foods are often signs of problems such as tooth sensitivity or cracked teeth. This may stem from the loss of tooth enamel, increasing the nerve’s exposure to stimulating factors from hot or cold foods.

May be accompanied by headache, heat, fever

Symptoms such as headaches, feeling hot and fever can be signs of a serious infection, which can spread from the gums to surrounding structures, even affecting health.

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Signs of tooth abscess are often very easy to recognize

An unpleasant odor appears from the mouth

Often due to the growth of bacteria in the mouth, especially when there is pus or infected gums, creating favorable conditions for bacterial growth, causing unpleasant odors.

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Tooth abscesses form in the early days

Thick and foul-smelling pus may drain out and the pain will decrease after the pus drains

Pus is a sign of infection and a buildup of damaged cells. As the pus is drained, the pressure on the infection decreases, thus reducing the pain. Pus often has a foul odor because it contains many types of bacteria.

These symptoms help visualize dental abscess problems and aid in the diagnosis and treatment of gum and tooth conditions. Seeking professional dental care is important to prevent and treat these problems promptly, avoiding further deterioration.

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A tooth abscess is not only dangerous for your teeth but also affects your overall health

If not treated promptly, bacteria accumulated in the jawbone can expand beyond the tongue and under the chin, creating dangerous abscesses.

This condition can become more serious when bacteria in the pus cavity enter the tooth pulp, causing death of the pulp and can lead to loose and falling teeth. The risk of bacteria spreading is also worrying as they can travel through the blood to vital organs such as the heart and brain, creating the risk of life-threatening sepsis.

How to prevent and treat tooth abscess

To prevent and treat dental abscesses, maintaining a regular oral care regimen, accompanied by regular checkups with your dentist, is important. This helps detect problems early and prevent the development of infections, protecting the health of the patient’s gums and teeth.

Tooth abscess is a common condition, and if not treated promptly, can lead to dangerous complications such as tooth loss, or even life-threatening. If you detect the above signs, see your doctor for advice and treatment.

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